Scum starter guide!


Scum starter guide!

Post by Keenie »

Hello everyone, now that the superhyped survival game Scum is out, were all starting to get into the game and realise how actually detailed the game is regarding the survival part, especially regarding metabolism, there is a confusion goin on that people think theres abug to the game as of when you eat you dont gain energy, this is not a bug but an actual part of the game, the level of detail, but before we go into that part I thought I would start of with a couple of starter tips, to make it easier in the very beginning when you first spawn with nothing.
I hope this guide will help you a little bit and make it just a little bit easier and understandable on how this works as it can be a bit confusing.

Part 1: Character creation

When it comes to the character creation, we are met with alot of choices to make for our character what skills to level up, but one thing the game doesnt explain, is what some of it means so I will explain some of this now: Image

Strenght: Well this attribute determines how much of a punch our character give when you hit someone, but allso how much weight you can carry. In this game when it rains and you have no raincoat or wrong type of clothes, you will get heavier, and if you have a backpack full of goodies, but your character cant carry it, well then you wont be able to sprint, and lets say you get into a firefight but you cant win and want to run, this is when you need to make a choice, do I die, and lose some of my fame points or do I drop the bag and run?

Constitution: This attribute determines how far you can run and how fast you can run.

Dexterity: Determines how good your character works with his hands, in other words, how fast he can chop down a bush or tree, how fast he can craft stuff, and using tools.

Intelligence: This is quite simple, the more intelligence, the more advanced items yu can craft.

Choosing which you want to focus on is entirely up to you, someone relies on pure force and strength , to survive through killing everything and live on theire loot, others might want to go it the stealthier way, live of the grid as much as possible, avoid confrontation when they can and rely on the intellect as much as possible so you can craft the most advances items, and recipes, and actually live of the nature and what you find if you want to.
Or you can go the middle route, a little bit of everything, not having to live purely of nature, but at times go into the most populated areas knowing you can be able to deffend yourself against others.

When you decide what route you want to take, notice that there is a age modifier on the top. Image

When you change this you will notice that you gain or lose some bonus points, and age 35 seem to be the middle point for both age and the bonus points you get. The poins will come in handy soon. You will allsp see a triangle on the left hand side, and in the middle of it is a button, this you can drag around and then notice how your attribute points change as well as the character, I cant stress that you can do changes to the numbers above as well, to tweak, hover the mouse over the numbers and two small arrows will show up, these will give you the option to reduce or increase that attribute, reducing one and you can use those points to one or more of the others. Your character does not have to be a fatty to have IQ in this game as many seem to think. Once you are ready here click on next.

On the next page, you will see on the top the points you can assign your character, in these are the bonus points for the age modifier as well. Image

So you can now decide to distribute the points according to theire attribute below, strength points to strength attribute, you can not use strength points on one of the other attributes.

Choose what you think will be the best for you all attributes listed are as specific as they show but I can list up.

Boxing: Dtermines how good your character is at boxing, doing combos and how fast.
Rifles: Determines how good your character is with rifles, swaying while aiming, handling recoil, and reloading
Melee weapons: Determines how hard and fast your character hits with a melee weapon.
Handgun, same a rifles.

Stealth: For now this is the only one we get to chose, but the more points you haver to assign here, determines how quiet your character is when slow walking, and how well he can hide with our without perks of clothing he is wearing.

Running: Determines how fast your character can run
Endurance: Determines how far you can run and how fast you regain stamina (stamina is allso affected by other factors as sickness, body weight, how much weight your carrying etc)

Awareness: Determines how good your character is at spotting other players when they are coming out of hidden situations, like a bush, around a corner, or it allso determines how well of a hunter he is, you can track animals and players by holding right mouse button, tracks will highlight in blue, and blood in red if they are wounded.
Sniping: Determines how well your character is with sniper rifles. And spot hidden animals/players while ADS
Camouflage: Determines how well your character is to hide in his surroundings and bushes and with the clothes he is wearing.
Survival: Determines how good your character is to withstand illnesses, weather types, dehydration and starvation etc.

Part 2: Getting started and getting ready to survive.

When you start it is really tempting to just start running in a direction and hoping you find something to help keep you alive and healthy, but I really want to throw out these tips before you do.
Simply because a 3x3 bag and 2 types of weapons is right infront of your eyes. Image

The first tool and weapon: This simple item is directly under your feet, and is called a stone knife.
Look down on the ground and walk abit around and you will notice you can search for rocks, to craft a stone knife you need two rocks. Image

Once you have found them press TAB and click on crafting, when click on stone knife, and on bottom right the crafing button will turn yellow.
Now you have a tool and a simple weapon to deffend yourself with, now its time to create yourself a very simple bag to carry stuff in, a 3x3 slot bag.
For the bag you will need 1 rope, and 5 long sticks.
The sticks you can get from these type of bushes Image Image

Since you cant carry these sticks in anything yet find a place where you will remember and pick up the stick and place them there.
Once you have 5 long sticks, you can now use your stone knife to get rags to make the rope, press TAB and right click on your shirt and pants and select Cut into rags. Image

Now that you have the rags, go to your crafting menu and select the rope, and craft it, and voila, now you have a simple but very handy starter backpack to store important stuff in.
Now its time to make yourself two more weapons, these are very powerfull and will one hit kill of you manage to throw them on the head or deal great damage if body hit, the wooden spears.
Find another bush and cut it down, you may have to create a new stone knife as the old one may be worn out.
You will only need one long stick for each spear, and these can be placed in the two quickslots and wont take up any inventory space.
Now that we have a backpack, two spears and a stone knife, we are ready to start explore and attempt to survive our life on this island.

Part 3 Location and Metabolism:

To find a suitable location to go to, press on M and you will open your map. Image

You will see small or bigger orange clusters, these are town indications.
They can allso be military areas/bunkers, but I will remind you that each sector/square of the map has at least one military area, but some of them are not marked on the map so keep your eyes open when your out there.
On the map you can allso locate where you are, the blue arrow/triangle is your current location.

Now starts the very important part of the game, the metabolism, and energy.
As you can see on this image,I have started running a bit and you can now see that my stamina is getting lower. Image

You have 3 paces in the game, walk, jog and run/sprint, and all of these will affect your metabolism, walking will burn less calories, running will burn alot.
It cant me emphasized enough that the metabolism in the game is just like in real life, for your body to metabolize, you need energy, to get energy you need fuel, and your fuel is what you pu in your mouth.
Carbohydrates, Sugar, Protein. Image

As you can see we are from the start very low on everything for our body to get energy from so we need to locate food and water.
So lets head into a town. Image

In this I spotted a set of pants, and as you can see in my vicininity is allso some cheese, FOOD! Image

Oh hello there neighbour! I amd not really fond of stalkers peeking through my window, so lets deal with this puppet (yes they are called puppets in this game and not zombies).
Now do you remember those spears we made, they will certainly come in handy now so lets kill him. Image

Now that we have dealt with our stalked we can retrieve our spear and we can search this guy so look on his body and press F Image

We have now stripped him down and can take his clothes if we need and other items he might hold that we can use, but we can allso do more.
As of now you WILL NOT gain sicknesses by eating raw meat, human meat or puppet meat, but this will be implemented in the game in the future so when this happens remember to cook your food, but for now we dont have to so let our butchering career begin, with your stone knife or any other knife you may have found we can chop him up, once this is done, body parts will be scattered around you. Image

You now have to chop one of these body parts again so we can get filets and fat from it.
Put the filets and fat in your inventory.
Hmm that fight we had with the puppet, seems like he hit us once or twice, I have lost some health and seem to lose some slowly as well.
After a fight allways look for a wound as it can cause bleeding or illness shown on the left side of the metabolism page. Image

We need to bandage it, use the piece of cloth you made earlier from the clothes, right click and click Patch wounds, this will stop any bleeding and cover up the wound, and it will now show as treated after you applied the bandage, bandage allso seem to work for being sickness for now so keep that in mind and use bandages for that as well!
As you will notice you will se on bottom left that by now we have lost energy, and we need to somehow regain it, so we have to start eating that food we harvested.
In your inventory right clik on a food and select eat, or eat all, but have metabolism page open while eating. Image

You can see on the right hand side that for each food you eat they will show up now, and like in real life the food will pass through your body and the body will start taking energy from it, the energy will not instantly start regaining, it will take some time and make sure you eat some of the fat to as we need that as well, and we allso have the cheese that contains calories!!
Those calories are so important and as soon as you eat this, give a few seconds and let it digest, you will now see that energy is slowly coming back up, eating the raw meat alone was not enough for the body get the fuel it needed.
I was allso so lucky to find some fruits in the shop in the town so if you look at the image you can see we are gaining vitamins, fiber, calories, fat and water from what we ate.

Look at the bars/circles surrounding the factors below on stomach and intestant, you see the blue and yellow colors? These are indicators of what we have consumed, blue is water orange is food, so we did gain some water from what we ate, especially the fruit.
Now you might ask what happens if we just keep on eating and eating, are we safe for a while and dont need to eat again? Lets try! Image

Whoops! That didnt go to well did it..
As you can see on the stomach indicator food is on 127% meaning we overate and our character couldnt handle it and started vomiting. What do you think might happen now? Shall we just keen on roaming then? Because we just ate and should replenish our energy now. Well take a look again now at the stomach info Image

Its suddenly back down to 30%! And on the right side you will se that the stuff we ate has allso been reduced drastically. Yes because we overate and vomited, now what we ate is no longer there, this means our body wont have as much fuel as it did. Its therefore important you eat something again right away so your body actually does get that fuel, but this time do not go past 100%, if you do it will happen again.
Now you might think what if we overdrink!? Yes you can do that to, if there is more water in your digestive system and colons, and we overdrink this will have an affect to so lets give it a try shall we. Image

Oh dear.... Seems like our body couldnt handle the water in the digestive system and reacted to it and resulted in, well obviously diarrhea.
Well just like with food, make sure you have enough water now for you body in your stomach, and on your bottom left side of the screen you can follow your hydration as well!
So if you start losing hydration you know you need to drink, and as with food, you do not have to boil water yet you can drink from any water source for now! But later on remember they will implement sickness from uncooked food and uboiled water!

Before I end this guise I want to throw our a quick tip for you all.

1: Allways watch your colon and bladder, if you do not go to the toilet, your character WILL at some point do it automatically and there is no stopping it or even any warning indication for it yet!
So lets say you aproach a town, or a high populated military area where other people may be roaming and where there is the giant mechanical robots walking around.
You deffinetly do not want your character to start pulling down his pants in the middle of the firefight or while running away, as I said you cant stop it.
So allways check your bladder and colon BEFORE you enter these areas, go into a bush and do your thing, then walk in!

2: Is the calory intake vs usage, on metabolism page on the very top you will se how much calories your taking in pr day vs what your burning, you may think this isnt important, but it is, after each ingame 24h sycle, the character will lose or gain weight based ont the inntake vs usage stats, and believe it or not heart attack in this game is real thing and verified thing, streamers has on live stream had heart attacks due to overweight and fat affecting the character.
And if you think walking around with no energy wont do anything, keep on trying walking around with 0% energy for a good while.
You will suddenly see your character drop down to the ground and you cant move, your character has just passed out, and the body of the character is now on reserve fuel and regaining what it can from the excess body fat and muscles your character has.
How long he will stay uncconsious varies. But this has allso been verified and seen on streamers channels!

3: On the top right corner, you can see a box with numbers in it, this is your fame points.
The backstory to the game is that you play as a prisoner who has been sent to an island with other prisoner and they are a part of a reality show, you will sometimes notice a little drone approaching you and following you, these drones are one of the cameras for the show.
If you destroy them you gain Fame points, you can allso gain fame points by killing other players, but only if they have a certain ranking to them, you can maybe see it says Nobody under the points? If you kill a nobody you gain no points, if you higher ranked you gain points.

4: There are events in this game, and its a very much welcomed feature, to take a brake from the roaming and looting and surviving, you can jump into these events other people starts or random events that gets announced, these events are all from Team death match, secure the drop, and mini royale sessions (quick ones) and if you kill people in this event you allso gain fame!

I hope you like this guide and that it somehow helped you a little bit in understanding the metabolism part, I thought it would be good thing to post this as there is many out there that thinks the energy not replenishing is a bug, while it isnt. Please let me know what you think of the guide! :)

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Blackmail »

Thank you for taking your time and write this guide. I will certainly check the game out :)

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Gunshell »

Nice guide!
However puppets? And giant robots? I don’t think this game is for me
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Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Buckles »

Nice! Will read through this properly later!

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Nachthuiver »

What does it take to get a drone down? Shot it 3 times with a 9mm but didnt scratch it...

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Keenie »

Nachthuiver wrote: Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:29 pm What does it take to get a drone down? Shot it 3 times with a 9mm but didnt scratch it...
How many bullets of each weapon I dont know but the flying drones I have taken down quite easy with pistols, keep in mind the walking mechs you cant destroy yet, they could in the closed testing phases but they took it away on release for some reason.

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Gunshell »

im gonna give it a go because for £15 its gotta be worth something haha, no to keen on the robots but i guess i could avoid them?

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Keenie »

Gunshell wrote: Fri Aug 31, 2018 7:20 pm im gonna give it a go because for £15 its gotta be worth something haha, no to keen on the robots but i guess i could avoid them?
You can allways avoid the areas they are patroling but the high end loot (weapons, military vests, backpacks, etc) is most commonly found in theese areas, some places like airfield is easy to get in, but expect other people going there, while smaller bunker bases, mostly secluded and barely visual on the map there is 2 mechs roaming just the entrances, it may be easy to get in, but its getting out thats the hard part. ;) But if you have someone with you or close to you that persojn can distract the mech by shooting at it from a distance, and it will go towards that area, thats when you run as the wind from the bunkers :)

I highly recommend this game, I was never a fan of DayZ, mainly becaus eit was just a massive bugfest and had little in it keeping it interesting. Scum on the other hand has all features DayZ had, but the features is working, + tons of other features ;) and theres so much more coming that will keep the game alive.

- Vehicles
- Quests/Missions
- Sickness from food
- Much more detailed skills u can level up
- And a end game, the devs has allready verified that they will make a end game feature which is 100% optional for you to do, whats going to happen when you do though is that your character tears of his chip in the neck, that you see, so he cant be followed, BUT you will then loose your BCU monitor where you keep a track of metabolism and sickess etc basically making the survival part REALLY hardcore, then you need to find a boat which you can escape with. This is devs on words from the E3 this year :)
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Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by mark03 »

need help load game up but no game options appear can't even get to settings?

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Keenie »

mark03 wrote: Sat Sep 01, 2018 12:10 pm need help load game up but no game options appear can't even get to settings?
Not even heard of that issue before! So not really sure, all I can say is tried the good old classics steam solution? Verify integrity etc? Or tried reinstall, I know its a clisje anser but all I can do :/
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Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by mark03 »

All good sort need to re adjust my display setting before playing

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Nachthuiver »

5 min longer at the start...but try to make an improvised backpack. This is a 16 slot bag.

Not many know this maybe...but in the crafting where it says the stuff that you need for something to craft: there are sometimes little arrows under the 'ingredients' and if you click this it shows an alternative. Sometimes you need a needle for example. But these are hard to find. Killing a puppet and chopping him up will give you besides the so important meat als bones. From these bones you can craft a bone needle.

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Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Bowie »

Nice map from Reddit


interactive map with zoomy zoom

Bowie x

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Nachthuiver »

Nice one...had some seprate maps but this one has all on it!

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Blackmail »

hehe. I like how they did not mention the little army base camp next to the lake in C3/1 :D

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Gunshell »

our little secret blackmail :P

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Keenie »

want to mention that the docs at A2 where the train line goes to has very good loot to :) and A1 sector is THE worst in the entire game, I wonder why they decided to make it so shitty as it is xD
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Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by wintski »

Great guide! Well done mate. :thumbup:

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Alexthemadscot »

Not bad for a Celtic fan hahah, thanks for this keenie
Dildo McBaggins

Re: Scum starter guide!

Post by Dildo McBaggins »

Thanks for the guide. Just bought the game, so this should come in handy :)
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