Basic Infantry
Course Details
Current qualified instructors:
- All of the Squad AIs
Booking a Course: To book a course please speak with one of the listed instructors and request a suitable date. Information will also be posted in the Squad Training Academy subforums
Number of candidates
Eight candidates maximum per instructor.
Objectives Of The Course
The following course will cover the basic skills that you will need on the battlefield. Topics included in this course are the rifleman kit, which is the most basic kit available, controls, communication in and out of the squad, map usage, learning the HUD, and also the settings to use to improve your aim.
The training map will be used to train and demonstrate specific aspects of this course.
Before attempting to start this course, please read the following guide in order to better understand the basic game mechanics of squad and how the systems work Squad Core Game Mechanics
The Rifleman Kit
The Rifleman's role is to support the other members of the squad and be the main bulk of the attack force in close combat encounters. When not attacking, it is important to provide your squad with the cover that they need to perform other duties, such as healing or taking out enemy assets with specialized kits, as well as holding a perimeter and providing situational awareness. Compared to other kits, the rifleman is somewhat expendable and it is better to lose a rifleman than to lose any other kit, therefore it is important to always take point and go in first in dangerous areas. One strength that the rifleman has that other kits do not have is that they get access to two frag grenades instead of the usual one of the others, therefore with proper usage they can be very deadly in close combat.
Standard kit layout for (non-scoped) rifleman is as follows:
- Entrenching tool / shovel - Used to help build assets such as Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) and dig down enemy defences. Left click builds, right click destroys.
- Main weapon - Used to engage when not inside vehicle (varies per faction).
- Smoke grenades 2x - Used to cover your squad or enemy.
- Frag grenades - Needed to take out larger groups or clearing compounds and rooms.
- Field dressing 2x - Needed to patch yourself when bleeding (screen turning red/black). Left click to apply on others, right click to apply on yourself
- Sandbags, razorwire and ammo bag - Some (unconvential factions') non scoped rifleman have sandbags at their disposal. Additionally, all riflemen have access to an Ammo Bag, a deployable, temporary ammo crate containing 100 ammo points.
- Kit layout varies per faction - Unscoped classes have binoculars, grenades may also vary, all insurgent kits have grenades (- sapper), etc.
Secondary Weapons - Depending on the primary weapon, riflemen may have a pistol as a secondary weapon. All classes also carry a knife or bayonet.
Job description
Due to their versatility, but lack of specialisation, riflemen are the prefered kit to perform actions that do not require special kits and are often the first into the fight. If your squad leader calls out for “someone”, that someone is a rifleman. Such actions might be scouting out a certain area, baiting out enemies, doing a logistics run, building something or following the squad leader to set a new rally point.
On the right you can see the default screen from Squad itself with its assigned keys
You can move at multiple different speeds:
- When you just press W A S D, you are running in normal speed;
- When you also hold Left-SHIFT, you are sprinting;
- When you press Z you can crawl.
- When you press Ctrl you can crouch.
- Default mouse button assignments are 'left Mouse button' to fire main weapon, 'right Mouse button' to zoom weapon, 'Middle Mouse' to switch fire-modes, 'Shift' to focus modus.
- 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+0: Weapon hotkeys. You can alternatively use mouse wheel + click.
- F-Keys: change seats in vehicles by holding it down (F1, F2 etc.)
- Tab ↹: Scoreboard
- Q: Lean Left
- W: Up
- E: Lean right
- F: Interact. Hold it to enter or exit a vehicle
- R: Reload
- T: Squad Leader Command Menu
- A: Left
- S: Down
- D: Right
- G: Command Voice Channel voice activation for squad leaders anywhere on the map
- Numpad Keys: Dedicated Command Voice Channels voice activation towards separate squad leaders
- J: Chat all
- K: Chat team
- L: Chat squad
- ↵ Enter: Spawn screen.
- ⇧ Shift: Sprint/Focus aim.
- Z: Prone, stabilise turret in certain vehicles
- V: Local voice Channel voice activation for all friendlies near you
- B: Squad channel voice activation for all squad members anywhere on the map
- M: Map
- N: Map zoom
- Ctrl: Crouch (Hold) You can toggle crouching in the settings under "Game Settings" (not under "Controls"!).
- Alt: Free look (look around without turning your body/gun)
- Caps Lock: Command screen (Bigger map with squad list)
- Space: Jump
- X-key (hold) + scroll wheel up/scroll wheel down : Ranging up/down (Not all weapons)
Resupply and changing kit
You can resupply your ammo at Ammo Crate. Stand next to it, press F key to interact with it, then select "resupply" with the mouse and click the Left-Mouse-Button.
Keep in mind that resupplying costs ammo points, so when ammo is sparse always check with your squad whether they do or do not need the ammo points on that specific FOB.
Resupplying is modular, and costs only as many ammo points as you wish to replenish.
There are five different choices that you can have
- Command and Support; these are the officer kits.
- Rifleman; this will let you change standard kits.
- Fire support; this includes the RPG, Automatic Rifle, Marksman and Grenade launcher.
- Specialist: this includes HAT kits, Machine Gunner, Crewman and Scout
- Resupply; this is the bullets symbol which will restock you.
Ammo crates can be placed by a Squad Leader within 150m of an FOB. You will also find ammo crates in your Main Base (resupplying at these crates will not cost any ammo points). Ammo crates are shown on the map by a bullet symbol, as well as in close range by a 3d bullet symbol in your HUD (ammo bags too).
Ammo priority should be:
AT/Medics > Ammo bags for AT/Medics > bullets/field dressings > other
Besides resupplying you can change your role at an ammo crate, however only do so if requested by or after asking your SL.
Communication (to be divided into local, squad or command)
- Important when communicating: Be clear, be brief, know what to say before you speak.
- Health status: Wounded, bleeding, downed, dead.
- Third-person reference.
- FOB camping: notify squad, notify squad leaders, notify team.
- Importance of communication, clarity, and brevity.
- Voice, text, compass, map.
- Compass
- Identification: Friendly, enemy, unknown.
- Description: Infantry, vehicle, RPG, APC, etc.
- Direction: Compass bearing for precise callouts and general directions for quick callouts.
- Distance: distance to contact.
- Additional information if necessary.
- Voice channels
- Local channel: Information relevant locally. Cannot be heard by the enemy. Main voice battle channel. Compass bearings are only relevant for local team members.
- Squad channel: Information relevant to the squad as a unit. General directions are relevant for the entire squad.
- Squad Leader channel: Used to coordinate among squads. Only audible to squad leaders.
Communication priority
- SL should always have the first priority over the comms.
- Point man (scout,...), or observer should have 2nd. (So he/she can provide the rest with enemy position)
- When SL gives an order, be quiet. (unless there is a direct threat)
- Use "Breaking in" or “break break” when you need to interrupt SL or a squad member for a more important message to give than the current. Example: SL; "New order, we will attack blabla from..." MG: "Breaking in, enemies danger close, west entrance".
- If the SL doesn't respond the 2IC (2nd In Command) will take over that role
- Keep chatter to the minimum. (after the game we have time enough to fool around)
- Use local comms if close to squad members/teammates. This way, the Squad comms will be easy to hear when something important needs to be said.
- When calling out targets always use the direction, range and number of threats or even which (grenadier, SL, mrap)
The most important aspect of communication in Squad is the Target Indication. A target indication is the manner in which you convey information to your Squad regarding enemy contacts from which you are receiving fire, putting down fire, or have seen an enemy combatant and wish to draw attention to him. The basic format of a target indication is simple—
- Description
- Direction
- Distance
(This way around is more natural: If a MBT is at 300m nw, you lead with the tank part, because that is the most important and gets the attention of the right people (SL, AT, AT ammo bitch, etc))
So, to put this into practice—
- CONTACT! 100 meters (Distance)
- 300 degrees (Direction)
- 2 infantry (tanks, APCs, HMGs, whatever) in the open! (Description)
Now, in the heat of battle you’re never going to get the format absolutely perfect. And that doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you convey the relevant information: how far away are the enemy? In what direction? What is the enemy? And how can I help my buddies find the enemy?
- CONTACT! 300 Degrees
- Top of the ridge
- 2 enemy in the open
- About 100 meters
- CONTACT! 2 enemy
- 100 meters
- Top of the feature
- At 300 degrees from my position!
- CONTACT! 100 meters
- 300 degrees
- Watch my splash, tracers! (proceeds to smash 100 rounds from the SAW in their direction)
- Clear backblast (to clear behind so you can fire a rocket)
- Spawning
Spawning is one of the gameplay elements in Squad. Spawn times may vary, based on your previous death and on type of spawn point selected. Dying by suicide or dying after team-killing adds 60 seconds to your spawn timer (these two stack with each other, however multiple team-kills do not stack)
Map Usage
This link will explain everything about how the map works and how it is used
Check another wiki guide on this topic
Always on Screen
- Weapon & Character info
- Compass
On screen when the context calls for it only
- Names of team players appear over the player's heads when you aim at them. Names of squad members show up in green, other team members show up blue. Left to SL's names show a rank symbol ("Sergeant" rank insignia) and the squad number above it. Fire team leaders are marked with a Lance Corporal isignia.No names are shown over enemies! Yes, this makes enemy identification difficult, so be careful before you fire
- When you select a weapon or equipment with the number keys 1 to 0, you will see your inventory HUD appear on the right hand side for a short duration.
- Stance indicator and leaning indicator - This indicator shows your stance and will flash orange when you start bleeding.
- Stamina indicator – bottom right-hand corner
- Health indicator (for medics only) - over the team player's characters
- Voice indicator - far bottom left.
- Control Point status - Top middle.
- Forward Operating Base status - top left-hand corner.
- Pre-round or round timer: Before a match starts, you may see the pre-round timer. During a match, if a time limit applies to the match, a round timer will also be shown. These timers appear top, right-hand corner.
- Map - right half side of screen.
- Spawn screen.
- In-game text chat - top left.
- Admin broadcasts - top middle.
- Status message sometimes appear as feedback when you interact in the game – top left.
The compass is located at the bottom of the screen. This is a very important tool, use it to orientate yourself, give directions and call out enemy sightings to team members.
Personal skills
- Try to keep your stamina at 50% at all times, you never know when you need to do a quick sprint or get a stable shot of.
- If you are close to enemies or think you are, take a moment, regain your stamina and advance to contact.
- When moving to cross open ground, hold off in cover/concealment until you fully recover stamina and then sprint across.
- Reload when you get the chance. Don't go into battle with only a few rounds in the mag. No bang bang makes for a lot of black screens.
- If you're injured, put a bandage on yourself. Find a safe spot first and then take that bandage out and hold the RMB. Save your poor medics some time!
- When you’re near a downed friendly consider bandaging him so a medic can get the friendly up quicker and get the entire squad operational again. (More important that people keep 1-2 bandages themselves, as needing a medic when you’ve got a mild bleed actually costs the medic alot more time)
- Constantly hit "M" and check the map, you will want to know who is around you and where.
- You should be always aware of the location of your squadleader. If the squadleader is right next to you, callouts can be done in local with a more accurate bearing reading.
- When building or destroying a FOB, make sure not everyone pulls out their shovel. Keep a maximum of 2 or 3 members shoveling and let others pull security.
- When you are defending, defend around the cap zone and not directly on the flag. Listen to your SL’s orders.
- When responding to contact, don’t send the whole squad in same direction, you will easily get flanked.
- Don’t stack on friendlies, SPREAD OUT
- If you take one hit, you’ve got 3 minutes before you bleed out so don't bandage immediately.