Help - I can't see the enemy - aim mouse, sound HINT.

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Warrant Officer 1
Warrant Officer 1
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Help - I can't see the enemy - aim mouse, sound HINT.

Post by blackbird1000 »

I have make a post before, about to solve Low FSP - Or I can't see the enemy . -And aim and mouse NEW UPDATES

Since much has happened since the last post. In terms of games and patch. So I think it needs a new thread.
That is probably the same in relation to Post Scriptum.
So when we have gathered experience here. I want to make a similar entry in that thread, with an update like this.

Remember to play on RIP server
shadow - at least medium
viewing distance - at least high
If your get kick when enter game server.

Remember also not to use the f*uck word - Your get kick by bot


In the second thread. About Catch. There I could give good advice .. But for a start I need help.

My problem, have a 4K monitor, and "only" a 1070 Nvidia card.

I can choose between 2k and 4k. Each with its outlets

I use no AA. Now, and play in 4K, and is ok. - But there is hopefully room for improvement

Can some help ?

About mouse, use 0.04 sensitiv on aim. And 0.70 overall. Use normal a high resolution. because of 4k monitor
But still struggling to aim. Some suggestions. Lover sensitivitet more ?

About Sound - Here I have a couple of good advice.

200% from fighters. Then you can easily hear orders - shouting from others.

Music 0 in battle

Depending on whether you are the driver of a tank or whether you are in the field
->set sound from cars and explosions and other effects low. 30-60%
-> Besides taking care of your ears. Then you can increase the volume. And you hear enemies running or crawling much easier. When sound is not exaggerated by tanks and vehicles
- If you are AT. Then you need to increase the sound of vehicles so you can easily hear them :D

REMEMBER if you get shot and haven't seen the enemy. Then he may have discovered you because of sound. Put it right.

Re: Help - I can't see the enemy - aim mouse, sound HINT.

Post by Ash_Price »

Oh man, thanks alot. great tips ^^

Re: Help - I can't see the enemy - aim mouse, sound HINT.

Post by Azp3n »

When it comes to your aiming difficulties i wonder on how much fps you run in a typical firefight where alot is happening?

If fps is OK i’d say KEEP PLAYING. Being a quick and accurate top shot takes practice among with game sense. Give yourself the advantage to win the fights by positioning and tactic gameplay 1vs1 and 1vs2-3. They way you shoot and move is most of the time more vital than being 100% accurate.

-Singe shots above 25m, learn to quick tap.
Autofire in CQB (close quarter combat).

-always aim from upper body to the head.
If you run around with your crosshair lowered you wont hit the vital spots of the hotbox like the head. Shots to the upper body on a full health enemy is around 3-4 shots nowadays.

Poke me on TS if you need help!
Posts: 97
Joined: Mon Jun 10, 2019 4:05 pm

Re: Help - I can't see the enemy - aim mouse, sound HINT.

Post by mti_ »

The part about the sensitivity can not be generalized.
It depends on your Windows settings (sens, and pointer precision, etc. -> always leave that default/off).
Your mouse's DPI (I like to use 800 which is only a fraction of what modern mice come with as standard).
If you have a good mouse (e.g. no angle snapping).
And only then your ingame sens.
Even then some people like to play very low sens (tracking shooting style) and some play at high sens (flick shooting style).

Finding out if your current sens is right for you is very easy though. Jump in a game (practice mode for example), aim at a consistent point, short to mid range away, and identify a fixed point at the edge of your view. Now try to acquire that target as fast if you can.
If you "overshoot", aka go too far, reduce sens. If you come up short of the target increase sens. Repeat until you get it right.
Now repeat that for a mid to long range target to find a sweet spot that works for you.
In games with scope sens scale (which Squad does have) repeat the process with the different scopes.

As for the gfx part:
4k is unfortunately not very suited for gaming. We simply do not have the GPU power to refresh that many pixels over 100 times a second, which for many is the minimum they are going for these days.
If you can stand 60fps/hz gaming and you just want to get that stabilized then the usual suspects apply.

You already talked about AA. As this is (basically speaking) an approximation technology that has to be run live and constantly it eats performance significantly. Without it edges look very jagged. Some people even prefer it off but most of us can not live without it as it devalues the image quite significantly and makes to game look lower resolution than it would with AA on.

View distance is very simple and usually a big one (in most games, so presumably in Squad as well). More objects to render = less performance.

Super sampling = scaling down from a higher resolution to match your display resolution. This absolutely kills performance.

Effects usually has an impact as well. Since things like smoke, debris etc are simply more things to render having less of them and/or less complex shapes means more performance.

Texture resolution is something that is often misunderstood. If you have enough VRAM on your gfx card it will not have a negative impact on performance.

Shadows have quite the impact on performance as well. The same principle applies. You do not only render the object but also draw the shadow for it, effectively doubling your efforts. This is why shadows are usually comparably low quality versions of the original shape and the quality setting for them governs the resolution/complexity (AA if you will) of them.

As for the other options in the game:
Vsync: never, that is a 60fps cap and adds (/can add) input lagg
Distance shadows: see shadows.
Bloom: detrimental to your gameplay, always turn off.
Ambient occlusion: This is what makes corners of a room darker than the center. Makes a large impact on visual fidelity and has negative performance impact. Keep off if you want pure gameplay no pretty looks. Especially noticeable in forested areas.
Eye adaptation: Would only make sense if it was forced on for everyone otherwise detrimental to your gameplay, turn off.
Lens flare: Is a phenomenon from photography, no idea why we have this in games. It is unrealistic and weird but does not have a performance impact.
Fully load textures: I assume this prevents texture pop-in by not using LODs. Have not tested.
Motion blur: No, just no.

As a general tip when it comes to spotting the enemy:
The human eye has evolved to react to motion.
If you have been running from Rally for 3 minutes, bored looking to get into a fight, and an enemy is set up in a bush motionless, just waiting for you, well then he will see you 9/10 times while you will not see him 10/10 times.
When you get close to where you expect the fight to be you stop, look around and only then slowly advance while keeping a low profile.

Re: Help - I can't see the enemy - aim mouse, sound HINT.

Post by FrankZappa »

Motion blur: Yes, just yes. Always.
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