Hesitated to apply to join for a while

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Hesitated to apply to join for a while

Post by Rosa »

Hi, I've been hanging around discord and the Squad server on and off for a while,

And, famously, avoiding applying to join haha

Forums and self hosted media platforms are cool though so I'm going to try to resurrect my art of forum posting! Let's see if I can't work my magic of getting people to talk about feelings a little :D

There's been a couple of things making me hesitate with applying to join:

1. Duyfken Pact

I'm coming from a community called Duyfken Pact which is a community centred around Wolfpack. I'm kind of involved in running it and I still care about it a lot, but I've been really burned out lately with Wolfpack and the game itself is kind of languishing in development hell and soon to die out I reckon. I never thought I could commit to playing the same game every week and, surprise, I couldn't!

And I sort of think I'm going to go through the same cycle here and I'm not a "long term" person who's going to be here forever like all you real and authentic people. There's also been some drama in Duyfken Pact recently which got me down, just members falling out and refusing to be around each other, which I don't want to push me or other people away from the community.

I'm a scattered person with a lot of hobbies and I don't want to disappoint you folks or them by drifting away on you, but maybe I can't avoid that. Last week my therapist was asking me who is this person I think I'm supposed to be? It's an interesting one to think about..

2. Community Behaviour

I'm not gonna lie, subsim games still have kind of an exceptional and weird community that I love, and it's a little different in the online FPS space. As a teenager I was actually in another clan where we played Battlefield Bad Company 2, and I moved onto CoD4 which persisted long after later games came out because it ran kind of universally on everything and was a last holdout before an era of microtransactions. I don't think there's any trace of that clan left now but that one tore itself up too over infighting over the founder taking donation money for things that were not server costs. But I know outside of those communities people can be awful.

I actually really enjoyed Mordhau for a while and got good at it, but the community on that really pushed me away too. The developers seemed to be taking an "ignore the problem" approach and there was zero moderation in that game and chat consistently had a lot of hate speech in it from people who think being edgy is clever. It just reached a point where I figured Mordhau needed to sort its stuff out or I wasn't going to play it anymore.

Squad is a really intriguing format to me and I want to play it, but for someone coming from games like Wolfpack or Barotrauma where you can manage 4-12 people for a few hours I'm in contact with a much bigger group of a different kind of people, and that's been coming with a lot of behaviour I don't really want to be around.

And to be honest today someone joined my squad and really started giving me grief. I probably put up with it a little too long and it got under my skin a bit before I kicked him. Huge shout outs to Eazy for kicking him from the server after he started following me around and behaving like a weirdo. That really showed me that you've got people who aren't looking for a rigid Bad Word, you'll look someone's intent and effect and be prepared to act to keep it a positive environment. That stuff makes you think about who'll look out for you.

In Conclusion

I applied to join, but I've got to be candid about how I can go quiet for a long time sometimes and don't know how long it's going to stick. I get enough admin and grief about paperwork in my job and I've got this other community I've still got a foot in so I don't really know if I'll be consistent in the ways that you folks might want, but heck you've been lovely to me so I'll throw in my hat to give it a go.

You'll probably get bored of me talking too much or trying to get us all to psychoanalyze each other quite quickly though and all the mystique will be gone soon enough.

I've been having some fun conversations with you lot, exploring all the different kinds of people out there is kind of my thing and I can see that people here are introspective and striving, even if you don't talk about it in the same way that I do. Is this your first gaming community or the latest in a long line? Do you think you'll be here for life or are you just kicking around while you're getting through something else?
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Re: Hesitated to apply to join for a while

Post by Shogoot »

Hey Rosa, nice to see you decided to apply. There are plenty of us that has a lot of years under the belt of participating in an online community, and your story is relatable. Even RIP has had some dramas in the years ive been part of, leadership has, in my opinion, done the right things, for example, telling people to leave and other times being a mediator and issues get resolved. The over-21-year rule has a good effect on us, as members tend to be less immature. There are ofc immature people aged 21+ too xD
As for sticking around or playing a lot, i can say from experience as someone who has been gone for half a year at the time that its never been an issue to come back, people ask you, you're ok? What happened you disappeared? and welcome back! That is one of the reasons i also stay here, people are generally nice to each other. If any trouble there are a lot of people that can be talked to and they will take it seriously quickly.

and nobody needs to get psychoanalyzed in RIP, we are all sane, right? RIGHT?

Now, Im sure you will get accepted in the clan, so welcome to the pain of HAVING to log onto the forums once a month or you lose your RIP tag.
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Re: Hesitated to apply to join for a while

Post by Eazy »

Hi Rosa,

Glad to see you have applied to join. You application has been accepted. We can do your recruitment talk which lasts about 30minutes or so when you are next on Discord. This is just to get you set up, explain some things about the clan and answer any questions you may have. Make a post on the Recruitment section of Discord if you don't see any ROs around.
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Re: Hesitated to apply to join for a while

Post by Trib_UK »

Welcome Rosa,

Something I love about RIP that it's something of a community that revolves around gaming rather than a gaming community itself. You'll find there are lots of members who, for many reasons, aren't with us every day or every week or sometimes not for months. The logging into the forum once a month is the only commitment required and RIP is pretty forgiving (to a point!) for not even going that far. I was in Afghanistan for a few months a couple of years ago and I had no issues picking up where I left off when I got back.
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Re: Hesitated to apply to join for a while

Post by UnholyMuffin »

Good to hear you applied Rosa! I've been here for almost 7 years now, and RIP has grown on me in a fashion that I didn't think an online community could. Sure, there's ups and downs as in every aspect of life, and people here understand that. And a lot of them are happy to help if they can.
Hope to see you around as much as you can bare us :D
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Re: Hesitated to apply to join for a while

Post by BearBison »

Hey rosa, I think we said it in crapcord one of the days I spoke to you and others have said it here, we are more interested in being a community that games rather than a gaming community. We try to look out for each other (we do have 'drama' now and again, but that unfortunately is human nature). We are waiting on our new forums/website, but this is more for the backend admin and to ensure we can comply fully with various regulations and an easy place to find information (at least more so, when the redesign comes online) rather than the mess that is discord to find information.
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